6 October 2019
During the celebration of International Tourism Day, employees of the Center of Oriental Medicine became participants in various events at which the prospects for the development of the tourism industry in Buryatia were discussed. Great hopes are placed on medical tourism, which the Center has been dealing with for many years.
In recent years, not only the population of the Republic of Buryatia, but also the inhabitants of other regions of Russia, as well as among foreigners, the method of fasting and dietary therapy has become especially popular.The Center of Oriental Medicine for its quarter-century existence has accumulated considerable experience in scientific and therapeutic activities. It is recognized by world-famous scientists and doctors. Successful cooperation has been established with the World Federation of Acupuncture Societies, RUDN University, Buryat State University, etc.
It is not surprising that the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Buryatia has relied on Center in the new field of medical tourism development.
"Within the framework of the project “Export of medical services”, the Ministry of Health of Buryatia identifies several areas. For Asian countries, this is often cardiovascular surgery, diagnostic services and high-tech medical care based on our clinics. To attract European tourists, we offer medical services that are provided in the Center of Oriental Medicine , including the RDT method (fasting), ” - says Etta Dorzhieva, deputy chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee and the structural organization of healthcare.
The head physician of the State Autonomous Health Institution of the Center for Oriental Medicine, Bair Tugdumov, talks about the features of therapeutic fasting at the Center:
"This is a system of knowledge about managing your body and mind, which was previously widely used in eastern medicine in the territory of the present Republic of Buryatia. Therefore, unloading and dietary therapy harmoniously fits into the treatment methods used by the Center for Oriental Medicine. We also cooperate with the Ministry of Tourism for the development of medical tourism, taking into account the ethnocultural traditions of our people".
The doctor of medical sciences, professor, academician, vice-president of the scientific society of gastroenterologists of Russia Valery Maksimov also praised the activities of the RTD area. According to him, in our region all conditions have been created for the development of medical tourism: "Buryatia is the republic that has got into the right trend and is developing this brilliant methodology. The Center for Eastern Medicine combines eastern and western approaches in medicine, and does it at a very high professional level. Now there is a high need for natural healing methods that promote active longevity. I personally visited the clinice in the village of Goryachinsk. I can say with confidence that it meets all the worlds requirements and standards. Tourists, especially from Europe, are very scrupulous in terms of living conditions, they need comfort. So, they will definitely like the filial in Goryachinsk: large hotel rooms, excellent medical staff, excellent Baikal air".
In conclusion, it is worth emphasizing another fact. 25 years ago, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Buryatia , the only one in the country, took the initiative to revive the RDT method and is still doing a lot of work to preserve and accumulate the unique experience of the Russian school of therapeutic fasting. This school was founded back in the 60s, thanks to the scientific research of its founder, Yuri Nikolaev.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, founder of the RDT, the author of books on therapeutic starvation visited Buryatia in the 90s. He expressed his desire that it was on Baikal that the RDT method was used even more efficiently against the background of the most powerful natural factors of Transbaikalia. In his opinion, it is here that, in practical terms, numerous studies of various research institutes of Russia according to this method will be embodied.
Experts, eminent scientists, professors emphasize the potential of our republic in the field of medical tourism. The unique natural resources of our region at times increase the effectiveness of any treatment and thereby increase the competitiveness of the Baikal territory in the world market of health tourism. In Buryatia, there are all conditions to remain at the forefront in the development of this area.