7 November 2019
Tibetan medicine focuses on the rules of healthy eating, food can be beneficial or harmful depending on the season.
In oriental medicine, great attention is paid to proper nutrition, first of all, to the education of a conscious attitude to food.
If a person is overweight, he should analyze his behavior while eating. Excess weight is primarily not related to WHAT we eat, but to HOW we eat - reluctantly or with pleasure, on the run or calmly, when necessary or at certain hours. It sounds simple, but how many realize how important this is?
A doctor Sergeev Sergey of the Center of fasting "Ayurmedika" talks about eating habits that lead to problems:
Of course, overweight can be the result of hormonal or metabolic disorders, but still most obese people are those who violate the ethics of nutrition, referring to different circumstances, their bad habits, unconsciously eating.
Every organism knows how much food it needs: nature has endowed us with a feeling of hunger, which tells us when the body needs food, and an opposite feeling of satiety, which indicates that the stomach is already satisfied. People who have lost these instinctive feelings have lost the most important ability of intelligence, laid down by nature. They eat, automatically, like robots, being included in the process by a signal at the sight or smell of food, or simply at the thought of it.
Therefore, to educate the ethics of nutrition, according to oriental medicine, it is important to observe 10 principles that will help to begin to treat food consciously:
1. Eat in a relaxed atmosphere
2. Never sit down at a table in upset.
3. There is only when you are hungry.
4. Avoid cold food and ice drinks, drink warm liquids
5. Eat at a moderate speed, not too fast and not too slow.
6. Wait until your food is digested before proceeding to the next one (in other words, you need to take a break of 2-4 hours between light foods, and 4-6 hours between plentiful).
7. To minimize the use of raw food, as cooked food is better absorbed.
8. Do not mix milk with other foods, drink it separately or with sweets.
9. Assist digestion by leaving the stomach a third or a quarter empty.
10. Sit quietly after eating a few minutes.
Tibetan medicine focuses on the rules of healthy eating, food can be beneficial or harmful depending on the season. Now the yard is late autumn, the beginning of winter and for this period there are rules for food. In the cold season, according to Tibetan medicine, you need to give preference to warm and hot food, heavier and more greasy than in other seasons. You need to drink food with warm drinks, the best of which are hot water or tea.
At this time of the year, it is advisable to carry out "detox" activities to maintain the functions of the urinary system and kidneys.
It is also believed that at this time the body is the strongest and can tolerate therapeutic fasting.
Doctors of oriental medicine advised to eat more sweet, sour and salty dishes, drink more diuretic drinks. It is not recommended to eat astringent products. Residents of the Nordic countries are advised to avoid dry foods (especially dry flour, salads, raw fruits and vegetables) in the cold.
In winter, it is contraindicate to drink cold beer, cold white wine, drink food with ice water, which can upset the balance of the elements in the body and even cool the internal organs.
Those who are on a diet at this time of the year, do not worry if your appetite is exacerbated - this is a natural tendency that arises in the winter.
At any time of the year, it is also advisable to observe two basic conditions for proper nutrition:
1. There are fresh products that grow in the area where you live.
2. Avoid exotic products that do not grow in the area, such as fruit brought in unripe form from other countries.
If a person is overweight, he should analyze his behavior while eating. Excess weight is primarily not related to WHAT we eat, but to HOW we eat - reluctantly or with pleasure, on the run or calmly, when necessary or at certain hours. It sounds simple, but how many realize how important this is?
A doctor Sergeev Sergey of the Center of fasting "Ayurmedika" talks about eating habits that lead to problems:
Of course, overweight can be the result of hormonal or metabolic disorders, but still most obese people are those who violate the ethics of nutrition, referring to different circumstances, their bad habits, unconsciously eating.
Every organism knows how much food it needs: nature has endowed us with a feeling of hunger, which tells us when the body needs food, and an opposite feeling of satiety, which indicates that the stomach is already satisfied. People who have lost these instinctive feelings have lost the most important ability of intelligence, laid down by nature. They eat, automatically, like robots, being included in the process by a signal at the sight or smell of food, or simply at the thought of it.
Therefore, to educate the ethics of nutrition, according to oriental medicine, it is important to observe 10 principles that will help to begin to treat food consciously:
1. Eat in a relaxed atmosphere
2. Never sit down at a table in upset.
3. There is only when you are hungry.
4. Avoid cold food and ice drinks, drink warm liquids
5. Eat at a moderate speed, not too fast and not too slow.
6. Wait until your food is digested before proceeding to the next one (in other words, you need to take a break of 2-4 hours between light foods, and 4-6 hours between plentiful).
7. To minimize the use of raw food, as cooked food is better absorbed.
8. Do not mix milk with other foods, drink it separately or with sweets.
9. Assist digestion by leaving the stomach a third or a quarter empty.
10. Sit quietly after eating a few minutes.
Tibetan medicine focuses on the rules of healthy eating, food can be beneficial or harmful depending on the season. Now the yard is late autumn, the beginning of winter and for this period there are rules for food. In the cold season, according to Tibetan medicine, you need to give preference to warm and hot food, heavier and more greasy than in other seasons. You need to drink food with warm drinks, the best of which are hot water or tea.
At this time of the year, it is advisable to carry out "detox" activities to maintain the functions of the urinary system and kidneys.
It is also believed that at this time the body is the strongest and can tolerate therapeutic fasting.
Doctors of oriental medicine advised to eat more sweet, sour and salty dishes, drink more diuretic drinks. It is not recommended to eat astringent products. Residents of the Nordic countries are advised to avoid dry foods (especially dry flour, salads, raw fruits and vegetables) in the cold.
In winter, it is contraindicate to drink cold beer, cold white wine, drink food with ice water, which can upset the balance of the elements in the body and even cool the internal organs.
Those who are on a diet at this time of the year, do not worry if your appetite is exacerbated - this is a natural tendency that arises in the winter.
At any time of the year, it is also advisable to observe two basic conditions for proper nutrition:
1. There are fresh products that grow in the area where you live.
2. Avoid exotic products that do not grow in the area, such as fruit brought in unripe form from other countries.