Unloading and diet therapy is not just starvation, it is a well-established healing process that can save you from a whole list of troubles in the body.
Starvation allows you to thoroughly cleanse the body. Our patients begin to perceive the world in a different way, the sensation of smells, taste of food changes after fasting.
The healing effect of therapeutic fasting is based on the fact that during it there is a disposal of half-life products, unnecessary tissues and pathological structures that accumulate in the human body. There is a weight loss.
The set of diseases that can be eliminated by fasting is extremely extensive. These are autoimmune pathologies, allergies, arthrosis, atherosclerosis, adhesions, osteochondrosis, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the joints, respiratory organs, skin diseases, biliary dyskinesia
In addition, fasting has a pronounced anti-aging effect, helps to restore memory and performance, and therefore it is extremely useful for people with chronic fatigue and mental overload.